An AJC reviewer once described Jane Janeski’s work as creating "dreams in stone." Her mystical sculptures explore the coexistence of the conscious and subconscious, blending the symbolic with the literal, and bridging ancient traditions with modern expressions.
As a direct carver, Janeski begins her process by drawing directly on the stone, allowing her hands to follow the creative flow of her unconscious mind. Often inspired by the human form, her work evolves organically, shaped by the materials she encounters. A piece of wood may suggest drapery, or a broken stone might evoke a silhouette, guiding her next steps.
Janeski’s interest in combining diverse materials pays homage to the Greco-Roman roots of stone sculpture. She incorporates broken torsos and the tradition of combining different stones within a single figure, reminiscent of ancient ruins.
Recently, she has focused on creating full-figure sculptures from cypress and stone, exploring the contrasts between angular and curvilinear shapes. Each piece invites the viewer to create their own interpretation, encouraging a personal connection to the art.